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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST

GIST Excellence

GIST Summer Camp opened doors to wider world

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.07.27
  • HIT : 1008

GIST Summcer Camp held with 70 regional students



A two-day summer camp gave regional students the great chance to experience the wider world.


The camp, from 22 to 23, July 2010, was designed for students participating in GIST After-School Education Program from 13 regional children center.
On the first day, participants visited the Jin-ju fortress and Busan aquarium where they could take a look at  the historic site and marvelous undersea beauty respectively.
Students had headed the Busan National Museum to enjoy the science exhibition next day. At the Nurimaru, the venue for 2005 APEC Summit Meeting in Busan, young students was lucky enough to look inside the APEC Conference Hall in person.