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GIST Excellence

GIST Students Studying at UC Berkeley during the Summer Holidays

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.07.07
  • HIT : 992

GIST Students Studying at UC Berkeley during the Summer Holidays




On the afternoon of June 25, young-looking Korean students were grouped together at the Sproul Plaza located in the heart of University of California, Berkeley in the U.S. They were the students of GIST’s undergraduate program who had left Korea to spend their summer in the U.S. on June 20.


The students taking a summer course at UC Berkeley took a group photo to remember their experience at a prestigious university.




The students will be working hard to acquire six to eight academic credits over the next two months at the school. Although they are in unfamiliar surroundings where all lectures are conducted in English, they seem to be confident in completing the course. Fortunately, they have already had a chance to be accustomed to English classes during their first semester at GIST.


An important project at GIST, the summer course will not only contribute to enhancing the global perspectives of the students, but it will also have a positive effect in attracting highly qualified freshmen to GIST in the future.