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Professor Do-Han Kim Appointed as International Journal Associate Editor

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.07.06
  • HIT : 982

Professor Do-Han Kim Appointed as International Journal Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member
Frontiers in Systems Physiology (FSP), prestigious journal in systems biology



Professor Do-Han Kim of the School of Life Science at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) was recently appointed as Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member of “Frontiers in Systems Physiology (FSP)”, an international journal based in Swiss.
“Frontiers” is a new series of FSP, which is a journal in the field of systems biology. Systems biology is the 21st Century’s most representative BT-IT converged science, and seeks emergent properties of life through studies in general to promote effective diagnosis of illnesses and develop future-oriented medicine.
The journal focuses on theses produced by studies on the interaction between biological components, visualization of various biological phenomena, networking of biological signals and mathematical modeling through a multi-disciplinary approach, such as molecular biology, computer science and statistical physics.
A member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Professor Kim also served as Vice Chairman of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB) and Chairman of the Korean Biophysical Society, and is currently an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Korean Society for Integrative Biology (KSIB). In December 2008, he won the Science and Technology Award for his contribution to the advancement of science and technology. As Chief of Institute for Systems Biology, he is currently conducting research on dielectric substances of calcium signaling proteins and systems biological research of calcium signaling illnesses.