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GIST conducts an ‘IT Education Campaign of Support’

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.06.28
  • HIT : 897

 GIST conducts an ‘IT Education Campaign of Support’




The Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (President Jung Ho SONU) is nurturing talent and creating excellent research by means of a strong team of professors and a state-of-the-art research infrastructure, thereby approaching its aim of becoming a world renowned science & engineering university.


The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology which was established in 1993 under the ‘Gwangju Institute of Science and technology Special Act,’ fostering outstanding performance in research as a graduate school containing both masters and PhD degree programs. Just last year, in the ‘world university assessment report’ of ‘the Times-QS’ of England, GIST was ranked 14th in the number of theses per professor. In addition, in the ‘Asian University Assessment Report’, GIST obtained a remarkable ranking of 1st among 463 universities from 11 countries. 


In order to cultivate a comprehensive university curriculum, GIST has accepted 100 freshmen this year in the newly developed undergraduate program. The undergraduate courses have been developed in cooperation with world-renowned California Technical Institute. By providing education in not only basic science, mathematics and physics, as well as the Humanities, GIST is making an earnest effort to nurture young creative scientists who develop a full range of knowledge over the course of several years.


All GIST faculty and staff are taking deliberate steps forward to become one of the top 30 science and technology universities in the world by 2025.


In addition, GIST has continued since its inception to create a global campus environment by ensuring that all lectures are delivered in English, as well as theses being written in English. Furthermore, foreign students account for approximately 10% of total student body, creating an optimal environment for students to nurture an international awareness.


In an interview with President JungHo SONU of GIST, such sentiment was expanded:


“In this era, which is flooding with information, we hope that newspapers will be an excellent guide to knowledge.”



He continued, “the newspaper is a treasure house of various knowledge and an important media for developing open thought and creativity,” also adding that “we are encouraging our students to read newspapers, emphasizing the importance.”


“The reason GIST is developing the Humanities, social sciences and arts, in addition to major science and technology courses in the undergraduate program, is to enable students to develop the basics from various fields. What is most important to young talent in science is creativity, so we hope that students can learn much and experience a lot from newspapers.”


GIST is making various effort to establish a new science & engineering educational model. Especially, in order to nurture balanced science leaders, GIST is making its students focus on the Humanities and social sciences for the first 2 years of their undergraduate years.


President SONU said, “in this knowledge-informed society, inundated with various media, newspapers are playing an excellent role in guiding students to obtain integrated knowledge.” He also stressed that “we are confident that the IT education support campaign via electronic newspapers is another form of investment and knowledge sharing activity in nurturing future scientific talent.”