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Kim Jong-hwa CEO of Mudeung Nongwon donates 100 roses

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.04.29
  • HIT : 1130

Kim Jong-hwa CEO of Mudeung Nongwon donates 100 roses

- GIST held a

presentation of gratitude plaque –


Prof. Young J. Kim,

Vice-president of GIST (second from the left) awarded a gratitude plaque to Mudeung

Nongwon CEO Kim Jong-hwa (third from the left).

 A seed of

warm-hearted donation sowed at GIST in April.

The Gwangju

Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President: SONU Jung-ho) announced

that Kim Jong-hwa, CEO of Mudeung Nongwon, a farm located in Gwangju, donated a

hundred roses to GIST.

The roses were

served as seedlings. These will be transplanted to the GIST campus. Having

spring rain and warm summer sunshine, these will embroider the campus with

beautiful yellow and red colors in July.


Vice-president Young J. Kim said
We express our heartfelt thanks to the warm-hearted donation for our

beautiful campus,” adding “We will heartily grow the roses and make the GIST

campus more beautiful so that citizens may enjoy the beauty in the campus.”

 Meanwhile, in appreciation of the donation, GIST awarded

a gratitude plaque to Kim Jong-hwa on April 27.