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GIST Excellence

GIST holds open lecture on brain, an opportunity to inform people of the mystery and importance of brain, marking World Brain Awareness Week.

  • 임요한
  • REG_DATE : 2010.03.23
  • HIT : 1193

GIST holds open lecture on brain, an opportunity to inform people of the mystery and importance of brain, marking World Brain Awareness Week. 


 “Brain enables us to think, feel and behave. We invite us to a place where we can find out normal functions of the brain and various kinds of brain diseases with experts.”

 GIST plans to hold a meaningful open lecture for the public marking the 2010 World Brain Awareness Week. This lecture, scheduled to be held on the 13th Saturday at GIST, is part of events of the 2010 World Brain Awareness Week.
 World Brain Awareness Week began in the United States in 1996 for the first time for the purpose of raising awareness of mysterious brain and the importance of study on brain science among the public. Various events are held in 60 countries around the world third week every March. 
 It’s the 9th this year since Korea commemorated its first week in 2002. This year, The event will be held in ten cities nationwide including Gwangju for a week from the 13th. 

The lecture will have diverse subjects such as ‘the birth and development of the brain’ given by Song, Mi-Ryung, a professor in the Department of Life Science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), ‘the advancement of brain stroke treatment by Kim Hyung-il professor of GIST medical science engineering, ‘the instinct of the brain, why do the animals act on their instinct?’ by Kim Yong-Joon professor in the Department of Life Science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) and ‘happy brain’ by Park tae-jin professor of Jeonjam University psychology.
 Professor Song Mi-Ryung in the Department of Life Science at GIST said “This lecture will serve as a good opportunity to enhance understanding of the importance of brain study and inform students and people of what brain science study has achieved so far.”
In the meantime, this event is open to everyone free of charge without need for prior registration.