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GIST Business Incubator plans to provide research facilities to businesses moving into the R&D Special District

  • 임요한
  • REG_DATE : 2010.02.02
  • HIT : 1038

The GIST Business Incubator plans to provide research facilities and manpower to businesses moving into the R&D Special District in Gwangju Area


SONU Jung-Ho, President of the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), has stated that if Gwangju is designated as an R&D Special District, as expected, many businesses will move into the area and their demand for technological assistance will increase. He added that the GIST Business Incubator (BI) has a plan to provide a "one-stop business service’ to businesses moving into this special district from this year to meet the rising demand for technological innovation.


The one-stop business service is a customized comprehensive support system for businesses needing new technology ideas. It ranges from providing research facilities and equipment and manpower to helping develop high value-added technologies, commercializing technologies, and/or producing prototypes.


On January 14, 2010 the center explained the purpose of the plan is that GIST wants to share its advanced technologies in applied science, human resources, and research equipment with businesses when Gwangju is designated as a Special R&D District. It also plans to introduce a "mentoring system" under which professors or researchers will offer face-to-face advice to businesses in the special district.


Last year, the center helped and supported 11 companies through its support project for Open Business Laboratory. It also held a series of workshops under the themes ‘success cases of commercializing new technologies’, "Thursday meeting"—which is held every Thursday to promote the sharing of information regarding policies for small- and medium-sized companies, and a tech fair showcasing new technologies in marine telematics, convergence of IT technologies, etc. 


Kim Hong-Kook, a professor in the Department of Information and Communications at GIST, said, "the plan the center has conceived is mainly focused on fostering businesses having the capacity to develop leading technologies and at the same provide GIST"s advanced technologies and assistance to them." Currently, the center hosts 28 businesses, including 16 that moved in last year.