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GIST Excellence

‘Femtosecond pulse laser research’ listed in the top 100 MOST National Research Development Excellent Results(2006.11.28)

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2006.12.14
  • HIT : 2271

The 2003 research development project at the Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI) at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) had the honor of being listed in the Top 100 Ministry of Science and Technology National Research Development Excellent Results.

According to GIST, the ‘Femtosecond ultra-high power pulse laser development and applied research ‘ project conducted by APRI (Director, Mr. Jongmin Lee) was listed in the ‘2003~2005 National Research Development Excellent Results’ published by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).

APRI is the only Photo-science and Optical Engineering professional research institution in Korea, one of six in the world, equipped with a microwave quantum theory light beam projector capable of producing a 100 TW laser in a femtosecond.

APRI will gradually extend its facility so it can produce a 1 PW level femtosecond laser system by 2009. Once this system is established, APRI expects that it will be very productive in discovering microwave and atomic levels of materials, and to develop Amalgamation & Imagineering technology with IT, BT, NT. 

<Reported at>

ETNews, MOST, Newswire, Mudeung Ilbo (Daily News), Gwangnam Ilbo (Daily News), Daehan Ilbo (Daily News)

The *Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is a research-oriented graduate school established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the Republic of Korea in 1993.
*The university’s identity was changed from K-JIST to GIST in 2004

-November 28, 2006-