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GIST Excellence

Professor Jaesuk Lee’s discovery of a ‘Living Isocyanate Polymer’(2006.10.11)

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2006.12.14
  • HIT : 1810

Accomplishments: Professor Jaesuk Lee and his research team in the Department of Material Science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) discovered the Living Anionic Polymerization of Isocyanate, which is applied to the development of nano materials, for the first time in the world.

Professor Lee (Director of the Nano Technology Research Center) confirmed the stability of Anionic and Living of polyIsocyanate with a 20% of initiator yield, resulting from the novel development of SodiumBenzylAnalid using an anionic polymerization initiator on October 10, 2006.

Living polymerization is a technology that is extensively applied in nano manufacturing skills to generate a block copolymer that is not only used to produce organic nano particles, but also applied in nano patterns and nano compounds.

Professor Lee has been recently conducting research into the conditions of Living Anionic polymerization, and the results of the new discovery of Living Isocyanate polymer are expected to be applied to the high integration of molecular devices, with size of few nanometers, that could enable semiconductors to attain their maximization capacity.

Professor Lee received the ‘2006 Polymer Thesis Award’ at the 30th Anniversary of the Polymer Society of Korea held in Bexco, Pusan, for this accomplishment.

Chosun Ilbo (Daily News), Joongang Ilbo (Daily News), Donga Ilbo (Daily News), Money Today, Hankuk Ilbo (Daily News), EBN, Segye Ilbo (Daily News), Fox Net, Maeil Economy, ETNews, Newsis, YTN, Hankook Economy, MOST News, Junnam Ilbo(Daily News), Mudeung Ilbo (Daily News), Korea Times (Daily News)

The *Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is a research-oriented graduate school established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the Republic of Korea in 1993.
*The university’s identity was changed from K-JIST to GIST in 2004

- October 11, 2006 -