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GIST Excellence

Accomplishment: GIST ranks 1st for the number of papers per professor published in journals listed in SCI in 2005

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2006.10.16
  • HIT : 1850

The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) has published the highest number of international academic papers per professor among Korea’s research institutions.

The Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development (MOE&HRD) and the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) have analyzed the CD-ROM database of SCI (Science Citation Index) for the year of 2005. As a result of this analysis, the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) was ranked top publishing 5.5 papers per professor in 2005.


<Reported in>

Hankook Ilbo(Daily News), Chosun Ilbo(Daily News), YonHap News


Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is a research-oriented graduate school established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the Republic of Korea in 1993.

The University Identity was changed from K-JIST to GIST in 2004.