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Campus Life

Creating harmony for a healthy, balanced life

Academic Notice

Information on New admission for the 2024 Fall Semester

  • 박수정
  • REG_DATE : 2024.07.29
  • HIT : 231

Information on New admission for the 2024 Fall Semester

1. Eligibility

· Undergraduate students will enroll for fall semester 2024 and enrolled in GIST

(Students on leave cannot apply but students on leave for Start-up can apply)


2. New admission Schedule



Application of new admission

8.7.(Wed) ~ 8.11.(Sun) 23:59

If the number of applicants for admission is higher than the available room, individual guidance will be given according to the priority order of admission to UG Dormitory

Application period for dormitory roommates

8. 13.(Tue) 10:00 ~ 8. 18.(Sun) 23:59

Application period for dormitory rooms

8. 14.(Wed) 10:00 ~ 8. 18.(Sun) 23:59

Notification on dormitory room number


New admission check-in

8. 31.(Sat) ~ Sep.1(Sun) 09:00 ~ 18:00

Room transfer period for remaining students during Summer vacation

8. 23.(Fri) ~ 8. 26.(Mon)


If you don’t apply for new admission(Google Survey), roommates and room within the application deadline, your application will be canceled automatically.



3. How to apply


How to apply

Application of new admission

Access the link and submit the form within August 11h

Only applicants who submitted it on Google can get authority to access room and roommate application on ZEUS.

For unregistered people within the Google Survey and room application on zeus, application period, the following penalties are applied:

1. No room and roommate applications Randomized room and roommate allocation by the Section of Student Services

2. 5 Penalty Points


From the fall semester of 2024, those who wish to enter the graduate dormitory can enter the graduate dormitory, so those who wish to enter the graduate dormitory apply for admission to the "graduate dormitory."

(Link) UG Domitory application Click Here

(Link) Grauate Domitory application Click Here


The deposit(140,000won) will be recharged to the dormitory fee in September to those who fail to perform moving out examination previously.

Application period for dormitory roommates

[ZEUS] [My Service] [기숙사] [룸메이트 신청]

Application period for dormitory rooms

[ZEUS] [My Service] [기숙사] [기숙사 신청]


4. Required Documents






❶ Dormitory Health negative confirmation for tuberculosis and hepatitis B

- First time entrant(including enrolled students): Submission required

Tuberculosis and hepatitis B negative confirmation

-A person who has passed at least one year since the date of submission of the first health confirmation: Recommendation for submission

Only tuberculosis negative confirmation

- If you got a medical check provided by GIST for enrolled students in the second half of each year, you can hand in the confirmation instead (However, you can hand in only confirmation that are valid within 1 year)

The medical check provided by GIST is conducted in the second half of each year and is conducted for all enrolled students except for new students.

-Medical institutions(health centers and general hospitals) issue diagnosis of tuberculosis and hepatitis B infectious diseases, and admission is not possible when tuberculosis is positive

Admission is possible even without hepatitis B antibodies, but we recommend getting hepatitis B vaccination.

No support for health negative confirmation fee(tuberculosis and hepatits B)

-How to apply: Email uhousing@gist.ac.kr

- Submission deadline: ~ 8.23.(Fri)

- E-mail Title: name_student ID number_health confirmation

ex) Honggildong_20220000_health confirmation

file name: 20220000_Honggildong_health confirmation.pdf or jpg

- Inquiry: Section of Safety and Security(T.+82-062-715-2147)


5. Payment for UG Dormitory Usage fee

UG Dorm


Usage fee






/1 month

Deposit of 140,000 for the first-entry to Dormitory

Bedding rental fee: KRW 20,000 / 1 month (If you would like to rent, visit the GIST Dorm manger’s office)

Incase of those who exceed normal academic school semester, we charge 2 to 3 times more (Details 바로가기 )




/1 month

24 rooms


6. Payment for Graduate Dormitory Usage fee




Usage fee





84,900/1 month

Undergraduate students are assigned to 1-7 buildings (public restroom, public shower room)

Room and Roommate Not Specified

For those who exceed normal academic school semester, the usage fee is the same, and there is no additional surcharge



How to pay

Dormitory fee is deducted from educational expenses aid supported each month

(If educational expenses aid is less than dormitory fee(including unpaid amount), you have to be paid individually. For notices in the dormitory, please check individually whether payment has been made or not and the remained payment after the 23rd of each month.


Bank account for dormitory fee payment 1005-901-786689 (Woori Bank)

Remitter name: “Student ID number 8 digits” + “Name initial 2 letters”, ex 20221234GD


Deposit of 140,000 for the first-entry to Dormitory

Bedding rental fee: KRW 20,000 / 1 month-

If you would like to rent, visit the GIST Dorm manger’s office

Parcel to GIST Dorm

Address: Hong gil dong, Parcel Office on 1st floor, GIST Dorm A blg(E11), 123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea (Postal code 61005)

Inquiry: GIST Dorm manager(+82-062-715-5800)


7. Inquiry




- Section of Student Serivices T.062-715-3603, uhousing@gist.ac.kr

- Gist Dorm Manger T.062-715-5800