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Campus Life

Creating harmony for a healthy, balanced life

Academic Notice

2024 GIST College Student 3C1P Talent Growth Support Calendar

  • 박효정
  • REG_DATE : 2024.03.28
  • HIT : 82

2024 GIST College Student 3C1P Talent Growth Support Calendar

To help college students develop their 3C1P talent, we have created a calendar as an attached file 

so that you can see at a glance the various programs supported by the school, so please take advantage of it.


The 3C1P Talent Growth Support Calendar provides only program summary information, 

and the schedule may change depending on various factors, so please check with each department in charge for details of each program.


★ 3C1P: GIST University's educational philosophy is summarized in the 3Cs of Communication,       Cooperation, and Creativity and the 1P of Problem-Solving, and is the ideal talent that GIST   University has advocated since its early days.


Thank you. 


Dean of Student Affairs and Admissions