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GIST hosts opening ceremony for the Infinite Challenge Project

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2018.05.25
  • HIT : 876

GIST College hosts opening ceremony for the Infinite Challenge Project

□ GIST (President Seung Hyeon Moon) College (Dean Do-kyeong Ko) announced last year that it will implement the 2018 'GIST Infinite Challenge Project.'

∘ GIST held the opening ceremony on May 23, 2018, at the library's main theater for 14 teams that are comprised of 69 students who were selected for the Infinite Challenge Project.

□ The Infinite Challenge Project is a student-led creative activity that has been implemented since 2016 by GIST to foster 3C1P * in students for them to be successful in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. It is a unique educational program to encourage students to challenge themselves and encourage their growth through failure by engaging in creative projects that cannot be accomplished in general classes and classrooms.

* 3C1P: Creativity, Cooperation, Communication, Problem-solving

∘ This program is open to all undergraduates who have a team of six or less, and there will be 10 teams this year.

□ Dean Do-kyeong Ko said, "The Infinite Challenge Project is a great opportunity for undergraduate students hoping to discover their potential of becoming world-class technicians through this project by working autonomously and creatively with their thoughts and ideas."

□ The students who are selected starting are expected to carry out their propose project and to give a presentation in November. The teams receive an average of 2.5 million won for their proposed project. Students can also receive guidance and assistance from their professors. Successful students will receive one credit for creative development.