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4IR Committee on Human Resources: GIST presents a plan under the theme of "Open Major, Open Talent" to educate students without any limiting boundaries

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2018.05.18
  • HIT : 881

4IR Committee on Human Resources: GIST presents a plan under the theme of "Open Major, Open Talent" to educate students without any limiting boundaries

□ The Ministry of Science and ICT sponsored the 4IR Committee on Human Resources on May 17, 2018, with the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Moon), the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KASIT), Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), and Pohang University (POSTECH).

* 4IR Talent: Future talents with core competence (fusion, creativity, social responsibility, self-led) to lead the 4th Industrial Revolution era

∘ The 4IR Committee on Human Resources was established in February of last year to discuss ways to nurture human resources at the four national institutes of science and technology and POSTECH.

∘ This meeting featured customized and non-technicalmodels that reflect characteristics of each institution under the theme of "no majors for undergraduates."

□ From its establishment, GIST College created the Department of General Studies and implemented an open education policy so that students do not have to focus narrowly on a single major.

∘ Students can freely declare their majors without any limitations on the number of students and grades. In order to encourage various majors after the declaration, only up to 42 credits of courses in the major can be recognized as graduation credits. S/U * grades can be selected when enrolling for courses.

* S: Satisfactory / U: Unsatisfactory: Encourage students to take classes by eliminating the negative connotation of the word "fail."

□ At this meeting, the students of various science and technology institutes, including Hyeyeon Chung of GIST (third year life sciences major), participated in the meetings with the presidents of the science and technology institutes to discuss how to prepare students to become leaders in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

□ In addition, operational details for future 4IR Committee on Human Resources meetings were also discussed.

∘ The 4IR Committee on Human Resources will hold a meeting every two or three months with the theme of "Top 10 Development Projects of the Ministry of Science and ICT" to identify one development project and establish detailed project and implementation plans for each institution.

□ GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon said, "GIST will develop as a model to train 4IR talent to lead our science and technology industry and to lead science education in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The 4IR Committee on Human Resources will be the starting point for the four institutes of science and technology and POSTECH to become centers for the cultivation of science and technology talents in each region who can gain more wisdom and contribute to society."

□ Meanwhile, GIST, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, will contribute to the nation and society and to redefine its role as a science and technology institute by expanding its role to communicate with local residents and students.