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GIST appoints honorary ambassadors for its 25th anniversary

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2018.05.15
  • HIT : 855

GIST appoints honorary ambassadors for its 25th anniversary

□ GIST (President Seung Hyeon Moon) has commissioned violinist Ji-Hae Park and Jin-young Park of the Institute for Empathy and Communication as honorary public relations ambassadors to help publicize GIST's outstanding research achievements and vision to celebrate its 25th anniversary.

∘ The ceremony for the honorary public relations ambassadors was held on May 14, 2018, in the main administration building. The commissioning period is for one year from 2018.5.14 to 2019.5.13.

□ Violinist Ji-Hae Park and Jin-young of the Institute for Empathy and Communication participated in GIST cultural events in 2017 as invited performers and facilitators.

∘ Ji-Hae Park is a violinist and graduate of Karlsruhe National University of Music, Graduate School of Music, and has been an Ambassador of Peace Art at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, and the ambassador for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

∘ Jin-young Park of the Institute for Empathy and Communication has been an announcer for Korea Transportation Broadcasting System as well as for KBS in Gwangju, and is currently a visiting professor at Chonnam National University.

□ Ji-Hae Park and Jin-young Park said, "It is an honor to be appointed an honorary ambassador for GIST in this meaningful year marking the 25th anniversary of its foundation. For the next year, we will share GIST's excellent research achievements and visions with the local community."

□ Starting the with ceremony for the honorary public relations ambassadors, GIST will hold large and small events until November to celebrates its 25th anniversary. The events will culminate on November 17, which is the official date of GIST's foundation, with cultural events, student festivals, and various booths.

▲ From left: Jin-young Park, Seung Hyeon Moon, and Ji-Hae Park