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International Environmental Research Institute, GIST-UNU Internships provide a stepping stone into international organizations

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2018.04.05
  • HIT : 847

International Environmental Research Institute, GIST-UNU Internships provide a stepping stone into international organizations

□ On April 4, the GIST International Institute of Environment (Director Joon Ha Kim) and the academic support team announced the third iteration of the GIST-UNU Internship Program to students who are interested in international organizations.

∘ This program will provide opportunities for future scientists as well as increasing science and technology aptitude through joint research and cooperative projects with United Nations agencies.

□ The International Environmental Research Institute established the GIST-UNU Internship Program in 2016 and has been working with UNU-INWEH * in Canada. GIST sent three undergraduate students to complete the internship, the the program has been expanded to include cooperation with UNU-FLORES ** in Germany. The program is now in its third year.

* UNU-INWEH (United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment and Health)

** UNU-FLORES (United Nations University-Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and Resources)

□ The 3rd GIST-UNU Internship Program will be held in UNU-INWEH, Ontario, Canada, for 8 weeks from July 1 to August 31, and students will participate in researching environmental problems related to water in developing countries. Students participating in the UNU-FLORES, Germany, will participate in the Water Resources Management, Soil and Land Use Management Research Program for three months (extendable for up to 6 months) from November to develop scientific and research skills through various experiences. The GIST and UNU-GIST Joint program will be widely publicized.

∘ In addition, students participating in the GIST-UNU Internship Program are encouraged to broaden their perspectives by interacting with experts in various fields and to develop their ability to resolve current global problems from both a technical and policy perspective.

□ International Environmental Research Institute Director Joon Ha Kim said, "With the GIST-UNU Internship Program, I will continue to offer various opportunities to young people who will lead the future by predicting and adapting to a new era of global change."