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GIST Artificial Intelligence Center hosted the 2018 AI Technology Implementation Project

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2018.03.27
  • HIT : 1164

GIST Artificial Intelligence Center hosted the 2018 AI Technology Implementation Project

□ The GIST Artificial Intelligence Center (Director Chang Wook Ahn) at the the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Moon) established a new industry-university model in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution to promote practical use of AI technology.

∘ On March 27, GIST held a signing ceremony on AI Technology Implementation Project with representatives from five companies who are working together with representatives from the academic community.

□ GIST is pushing ahead with the task of making AI technologies applicable to meet the increasing demands AI-based innovation and to contribute to the industrialization of Korea's AI ecosystem.

∘ The existing industry-university cooperation model is funded by industries with research and development tasks delegated to universities, while the industrial-educational cooperation model designed by the GIST Artificial Intelligence Center is funded by the university. This is significant because the new model maximizes synergies by exploring and supporting start-up companies that have advanced AI potential but have difficulty in securing R&D funds, ultimately commercializing the technology.

□ The task of practical implementation of AI technology being carried out in two stages: planning and implementation. In the first stage, a total of 8 candidates were selected and the planning task use was conducted for three months (2017.1.1 ~ 2018.1.31) with a budget of 25 million won, and will start commercializing AI technology in earnest for 10 months (2018.3.1 ~ 2018.12.31.) with a budget of around 100 million won.

∘ Phase 1 planning tasks were supported by a total of 8 companies participating in the project. In February of this year, 5 companies were finally selected by evaluating the overall originality, potential, and practical implementation of the technology.

□ GIST Artificial Intelligence Center Director Chang Wook Ahn said, "The five companies selected for this project have conducted a high-level preliminary study of each practical item, despite having only three months. The results were already visible at the Mobile World Congress (MWC2018)*, the world's largest mobile telecommunications exhibition in Barcelona, Spain. We will do our best so that GIST can rewrite industry-university cooperation model by achieving more outstanding achievements through this project."

* MWC is recognized as one of the world's largest mobile telecommunication industry exhibition hosting more than 2,000 companies from 200 countries around the world.

□ GIST Artificial Intelligence Center's project for practical implementation of AI technology is the first attempt by university-led collaboration model in funding and technology development for practical use. The success of businesses in the future will be driven by academia and industry.