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GIST won the grand prize at a joint-venture competition

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2018.01.03
  • HIT : 1136

GIST won the grand prize at a joint-venture competition

□ The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Moon) participated in a joint-venture competition between five science and technology universities and won the Grand Prize and the Excellence Prize.

∘The five contests held by Joint Education Center for Technology Startup (JETS) were held successfully on December 28, 2018, at Naver's Green Factory Headquarters. This competition features the technical ability and entrepreneurial skills between the science universities, and this was the fourth competition since it began in 2014.

∘ It is a program for students and researchers of a university with a technology start-up idea to perform a mock-up program for one year, selecting the best team for technical commercialization as the school's team. At the end of the year, the competition chooses the best team.

□ In 2017, three teams were selected and recommended by the university, and a total of 15 teams represented each school in order to display the entrepreneurial items and to attract investment in the technology start-up competition.

∘ About 200 people, including investors and students, attended the competition.

∘ GIST teams included: 'Wearable Electrocardiogram Device for Diagnosing Myocardial Infarction (Team Name: HelpMI)' Team Leader Joohun Lim, 'M21 (team name: Regenbio)' Team Leader Jungin Um, and 'S-vital' (Team name: Deep Medi) Team leader Kwang Jin Lee.

□ The Grand Prize winner of the GIST Regenbio Team received the prize of the Minister of Science, Technology and Communication and 5 million won. The Deep Medi team was honored with a prize.

∘ Regenbio team formed a relationship with the business incubation center with the GIST Tech to Market (T2M) program in 2017 and has been steadily developing and additional technology to commercialize under the mentorship of Darren Williams (Department of Life Science) Lab (Cell Transformation-Based Muscle Regeneration Promoter).

∘ Junin Um who won the JETS competitions said, "At first, I came to tech start-up through a program called Tech to Market, and I found new fun with mentoring and seminars for commercialization, and I'm glad to see the results of my efforts and experiences."

□ Director Sungkeun Ki of the GIST Business Incubator said, "We are constantly interested in programs that can create a culture of student entrepreneurship and change the awareness of entrepreneurship, and I will continue to give support to programs that can change the awareness of start-ups."