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GIST College students successfully complete 2nd UN University Internship program

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.10.24
  • HIT : 868

GIST College students successfully complete 2nd UN University Internship program

From left: UNU-FLORES in Germany and UNU-INWEH in Canada

□ GIST College students have successfully completed their participation in the 2nd UN University (UNU) internship program, which is an exchange program with the GIST International Environmental Research Institute (Director Joon Ha Kim).

∘ The 2nd UN University Internship Program was held for 8 weeks from July 1, 2017, to August 31, 2017. GIST College students Joohyun Park, Jiyoon Nam, Jiseok Park, and Jiwoo Shin (who are all majoring in earth sciences and environmental engineering) participated as research intern either at UNU-FLORES (United Nations University-Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources) in Dresden, Germany, OR AT UNU-INWEH (United Nations University-Institure for Water, Environment and Health) in Ontario, Canada.

□ Jiyoon Nam and Jiseok Park participated in the 2nd UNU Internship Program at UNU-INWEH in Canada where they  ▲ studied water-related sustainable development and the New Urban Agenda to influence the creation of water-sensitive cities for better water security, ▲ analyzed case studies of financial options and public sector funding sources, and ▲ participated in projects that address the problem of accelerating immigration due to environmental causes.

∘ Joohyun Park Jiwoo Shin participated in the 2nd UNU Internship Program at UNU-FLORES in Germany where they ▲ analyzed management of environmental water resources, ▲ analyzed Korea's climate data by collecting and monitoring changes in environmental resources due to climate change, ▲ researched sustainable water treatment techniques for sewage and sludge treatment for sustainable development, and ▲ participated in the governance development program for sustainable development to develop technical expertise while prompting the joint GIST International Environmental Research Institute and UNU-GIST Internship Program.

□ Jiwoo Shin said, "It was a valuable experience to participate in a systematic internship program, to have many experiences, to exchange ideas with experts in each field, and to learn useful skills. I am grateful that I have made a meaningful contribution by introducing the 4 Rivers Project of Korea and by discussing Korea's water management policies related to water resources and water quality. I am very grateful that I could study in a nice environment like UNU-INWEH in Canada, and I want to return to school and study water issues related to smart cities based on my internship experience."

□ Director Joon Ha Kim said, "All of the students who participated in the 2nd internship program after the 1st semester have been doing well in their respective roles. I hope that the students will continue to develop their abilities based on their various experiences. We will continue to provide opportunities to GIST students through more cooperation and exchange programs with UN Universities from around the world."