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GIST College team wins the Excellence Prize in 4th College Student Environmental Policy and Technology Competition

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  • REG_DATE : 2017.09.28
  • HIT : 1045

GIST College team wins the Excellence Prize in 4th College Student Environmental Policy and Technology Competition

□ GIST College team won Excellence Prize in the 4th College Student Environmental Policy and Technology Competition, which was held on September 22, 2017, by the Ministry of Environment.

∘ This year's 4th College Student Environmental Policy and Technology Competition was hosted by the Ministry of Environment as part of the Korea International Water Week (KIWW) program and was held to foster interest and research enthusiasm for the water environment field. The competition theme for undergraduate students was their future environmental vision for water.

□ The GIST College team members who won the Excellence Prize consisted of Dong-hui Ko, Eun-soo Ryu, and Hyung-kyun Yoo. They competed against 57 students from across Korea in the four month competition that began in June.

∘ The Excellence Prize winners will receive 500,000 won from the Minister of Environment.

□ The GIST College team received research funding and feedback from Professor Kyoun-Woong Kim's Soil Environment Laboratory in the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering.

∘ The GIST College team studied experimental methods for constructing a systematic tidal-flat pollution control system using the oil adsorption properties of activated carbon.

□ The College Student Environmental Policy and Technology Competition is a nationwide competition for college teams consisting of two or three students. Based on their proposals and presentations, the best teams were selected by a jury consisting of government and academic experts.