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2017 G-SURF Poster Presentations held at GIST

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.09.10
  • HIT : 1075

2017 G-SURF Poster Presentations held at GIST

□ The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Moon) hosted the 2017 G-SURF Poster Presentations on September 4, 2017.

* G-SURF is a summer program for GIST College student that is modeled after the Caltech Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) in the United States.

□ GIST College students who participated in G-SURF applied their knowledge of basic science to perform a research project in a laboratory under the mentorship of a graduate school professor for two months over the summer.
° This year, a total of 62 students conducted research projects with 45 GIST professors. Poster presentations were held at the end of the summer to present and share the research results.

° G-SURF is representative of GIST College's participatory approach to research, and students have participated in this program every year with great interest since it began in 2011.

□ College Dean Do-Kyeong Ko  said, "We will select the best papers from the students who participated in the G-SURF and submit them to the Korean Journal of Undergraduate Research. Although two months is a short time, I hope that the students' experience in a graduate laboratory will provide valuable inspiration for their future research."