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APRI successfully hosts 2017 Summer School for Laser and Laser Applications (SSOLLA 2017)

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.07.26
  • HIT : 737

APRI successfully hosts 2017 Summer School for Laser and Laser Applications (SSOLLA 2017)

□ The Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI, Director Byeong Ha Lee) at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Lee) invited researchers from all over the world from July 3 to 7, 2017, experience the laser research capacity of Korea and participate in the 2017 Summer School for Laser Applications (SSOLLA 2017).

∘ The event, which started in 2010 and is celebrating its 8th anniversary this year, was attended by 23 researchers from nine Asian countries, as well as from Germany and Czechoslovakia, which are advanced countries in the field of laser technology.

□ Participants listened to various optics related lectures from GIST faculty members and senior APRI researchers, and the participants also conducted various optical experiments.

∘ Dr. Pham Hong Minh from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) gave a lecture on "Research and development of ultra-short all solid-state lasers at photonic laboratory."

□ A survey given to participants on the last day showed that the satisfaction rate for the program was 97%, which is very high.
∘ A participant from the Czech Republic said, "Through this summer school, I have gained a broad knowledge of laser and laser applications, and this will be very useful to me for my future research activities."

∘ A participant from Singapore said, "All of the lectures and experiments were particularly beneficial for young researchers and graduate students, and it was a good opportunity to interact with students and professors from other countries who are in the same field."

□ APRI Director Lee Byung-ha, who hosted the event, said, "We are planning to conclude a MoU for joint research and technology development with developing countries in Asia. Recently, representatives from a Czech optical group visited, and we are actively conducting joint research. This will strengthen APRI's international cooperation."