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GIST International Environmental Research Center begins 2nd UNU Internship Program

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.06.26
  • HIT : 832

GIST International Environmental Research Center begins 2nd UNU Internship Program 

□ On June 20, 2017, the GIST International Institute of Environment (Director Joon Ha Kim) awarded letters of recommendation to GIST College students Joo-hyun Park, Ji-yoon Nam, Ji-seok Park, and Ji-woo Shin (School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering) as participants in the 2nd UNU Internship Program.

□ The 2nd UN University Internship Program will be held for eight weeks from July 1 to August 31, 2017. The program will be held at UNU-INWEH in Ontario, Canada, and in at UNU-FLORES in Dresden, Germany.

∘ Among the four students selected for the 2nd UNU internship program, Ji-yoon Nam and Ji-seok Park will attend the UNU-INWEH in Canada where they will perform technological and policy research on water quality-related sustainable development goals for the New Urban Agenda affecting Water Sensitive Cities. Based on water scarcity information, they will participate in a financial options project and case study analysis of public sector funding sources.

∘ Joo-hyun Park and Ji-woo Shin will attend UNU-FLORES in Germany where they will model soil pore changes and hydrological impacts due to land use, collect data and monitor changes in environmental resources due to climate change, participate in the governance of a development program for sustainable development, and will promote the GIST International Environmental Research Center and the UNU-GIST Joint Program.

∘ Joo-hyun Park, who left for Germany, said, "We are grateful to those who have given us this good opportunity to expand our views and solve environmental problems by interacting with specialists from each field in UNU-FLORES."

∘ Ji-yoon Nam, who left for Canada, said, "I am very grateful that I can study related to the water related policy in the Canada UNU-INWEH because I am interested in created a good environment. I am very grateful to have come back to the school. Based on the water policy study at UNU-INWEH, I want to study more technologies."

□ Director Joon Ha Kim of the GIST International Environmental Research Center, who also runs the UNU-GIST Joint Program, said, "I would like to encourage students who participate in this internship program to develop their abilities through various experiences as future scientists and engineers. I would like to contribute to informing the world about GIST's capabilities through cooperation and programs with UN universities around the world."