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GIST International Environmental Research Center hosts informational meeting about the UN University Internship Program

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.05.12
  • HIT : 769

GIST International Environmental Research Center hosts informational meeting about the UN University Internship Program

□ The GIST International Environmental Research Center (Director Joon Ha Kim) hosted and informational meeting for GIST College students at the GIST Central Library on April 24, 2017, regarding the UN Internship Program. During this informational meeting, the first group of GIST UN interns presented their projects and experience.

□ The United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) stated  that the three GIST College students who completed the first United Nations University Internship Program were among the best participants in the program.

∘ On December 26, 2016, the GIST International Environmental Research Center selected three GIST College students from the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering to participate as representatives of the UNU-GIST Joint Programme during the United Nations University Internship Program. The students were Sukyeong Yoon, Jisu Sohn, and Sujin Lee, and they participated in the Embedded Learning Experience (ELE) program at UNU-INWEH in Ontario, Canada, from January 9 to February 17, 2017.

* The ELE program, together with UNU-INWEH researchers, enhances the skill and knowledge base of future experts who can contribute to the future sustainability of water, environment, and human health.

□ The participating students in the ELE program conducted research with experts in various fields and then concluded the program by presenting the results of their research.
∘ Sukyeong Yoon conducted a policy study regarding how water-related sustainable development for the New Urban Agenda affects the formation of Water Sensitive Cities.

∘ Jisu Sohn analyzed data and designed an ecosystem-based adaptation approach for sustainable management and governance of coastal ecosystems based on the ecosystem-based management and disaster risk reduction criteria for Southeast Asia.

∘ Sujin Lee conducted a financial case study based on information related to water security of public sector funding options for resource development.

□   Director Nidhi Nagabhatra of the ELE program for the UNU-INWEH said, "I feel that GIST students excelled so well, and I am proud of the partnership that GIST has with UNU-INWEH. I want to create an official program to continue working closely with GIST."

□ The second United Nations University Internship Program will be held for 8 weeks from July 1 to August 31, 2017. Participants will intern at UNU-INWEH in Ontario, Canada, and at UNU-FLORES in Dresden, Germany.

∘ The GIST International Environmental Research Center started accepting applications on April 15 for the internship program and announced the successful interns during the first week of May.

□ Director Joon Ha Kim of the GIST International Environmental Research Center is responsible for the UNU-GIST Joint Program. Director Kim said, "I am thankful to the students who have successfully completed the ELE program. By cooperating through programs around the world with UN universities, I would like to inform the world about GIST's capabilities."