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[영문칼럼-Dr. Sthiannopkao]-GIST Transfers Knowledge for Enviromental Sustainability

  • 임성훈
  • 등록일 : 2007.05.17
  • 조회수 : 3139


광주과기원 국제환경연구소 연구교수로 재직 중인 수티퐁 스티안놉카오(Suthipong Sthiannopkao)씨가 영자신문 “코리아타임스(The Korea Times)" 에 지속가능한 환경지식을 전달하는 광주과기원의 모습을 칼럼형태로 기고하여 2007.5.17(목)일자 인터넷판에 게재되었기에 안내해드립니다. 아래는 원문입니다.<홍보협력팀, 2007.5.17>

GIST Transfers Knowledge for Enviromental Sustainability

By Suthipong Sthiannopkao

The joint program between the United Nations University (UNU) and the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) on environmental sustainability is the first and only program operated as an associated program of the UNU in Korea.

It was initiated and has been financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Korea. The International Environmental Research Center (IERC) has run the joint program since Jan. 1, 2004.

The main functions of the program include research, capacity building and advisory services on environmental sustainability.

The joint program has considerably contributed in both transferring knowledge and providing technical assistance in the area of the environment and sustainable development and has also acted as a bridge between Korea and developing countries.

In research activities, the program has funded 54 research projects conducted in 11 countries including Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and China to tackle domestic problems related to hazardous chemicals.

This offers an opportunity to researchers in developing countries to focus and continue their research in sound management of these chemicals. One of the emerging research topics is the arsenic geochemistry and human health impact in East Asian Regions.

The joint program has invited and financially supported 36 post-graduate students from 14 countries to participate in the four-month internship program at GIST, Korea.

This gives a chance for the students to gain not only updated knowledge and technology in the area of the environment and sustainable development but also to learn Korean culture.

As a result of the internship program, six former student interns are currently admitted as regular students at Korean Universities including GIST.

In addition, the program has financially supported a total of 40 government officials and scientific researchers from 17 developing countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile and Pakistan to present the results of their research and to meet with invited experts from developed countries with the hope that new relationships and partnerships for future collaboration will be established at the annually organized UNU&GIST joint workshop.

In international cooperation, the joint program has initiated a postgraduate education program of sustainability with Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam. This is the first education export program in Korea with funding provided by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET).

Since 2005, there are a total of nine Vietnamese students studying at GIST. Furthermore, the joint program is now operating projects in Cambodia such as the installation of a filtration system for water supply in Siem Reap, the establishment of the Asia International University also in Siem Reap and the development of mineral resources in Mondol Kiri.

The program is dedicated and committed to the developing world by transferring knowledge and providing technical support with the focus on environmental sustainability.

At the same time, it acts as a bridge between Korea and both developing and developed countries.

Suthipong Sthiannopkao is a research professor at IERC at GIST. In addition to conducting research, he is in charge of the capacity building programs of the UNU&GIST Joint Program.


콘텐츠담당 : 대외협력팀(T.2024)