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Call for Applications for Tenure-Track of “Center for Nanomaterials & Chemical Reactions” in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

  • 홍인덕
  • 등록일 : 2015.10.14
  • 조회수 : 1484

기관명 기초과학연구원
직군 연구 분야
고용형태 정규직      채용구분 경력
근무지 대전광역시     채용인원 0명

2015.10.14 ~ 2015.11.06


Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions (CNCR) at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) invites applications for a tenure-track research fellow who are particularly interested in nanoscience and chemical reactions. We are specifically interested in the candidates with expertise in chemical science beyond the current research, also with high research potentials.

■ Introduction of the research center
Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions is one of the first centers established by the Institute for Basic Science. The center is directed by Prof. Ryong Ryoo and located at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) as one of the IBS campus centers. The center is studying nanoscience and chemical reactions using basic science to find comprehensive solutions for dealing with the environmental and energy-related problems that face future generations. This center endeavors to reveal the fundamental principles underlying the formation of nanostructures, and to build on this foundation to synthesize highly-efficient nano-catalysts with desired structure and properties. In addition, the center pursues solutions to energy-related and environmental problems by understanding and controlling green chemical reactions occurring in nano-catalysts.

■ Job description & Requirements for the position
We seek candidates for a tenure-track position with specialty in nanoscience and chemical reactions. The candidate will work on projects aimed at the creation of smart and stimuli-responsive nanomaterials. It is highly desirable that the candidate has working experience with (i) Synthesis and characterization of functional nanomaterials and (ii) Design of advanced catalysts for hydrocarbon process. In addition, familiarity with the basic aspects of nanometarials is expected. The candidate will combine these fundamental skills to synthesize novel nanometarials capable of articulating a strong vision to further the research and outreach programs in IBS.

■ General Selection Procedure
① Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement
② Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation through personal information (Document Screening)
③ In-depth interview by review panel
(Director, Associate Director & Group leaders)
④ Negotiation with IBS personal committee and appointed as tenure-track research fellow

■ Application Submission
Please fill out a CV(attached), a publication list, a research statement and one or more letters of recommendation in English and email it as a single PDF file to hschoi1217@ibs.re.kr no later than 11/06/2015 (24 days after announcement).
E-mail title should be like : ‘Employment Application for CNCR ? Your name’.

■ Additional Information
- Applicants take full responsibility for any consequences resulting from omissions and errors found in the documents, not submitting required documents, etc. If any information in the required documents is proven false, the job offer will be withdrawn.
- None of the submitted documents will be returned.
- If disqualified based on the results of a background check and job-related physical examination, the job offer will be withdrawn.
- If no suitable candidate is found during the screening stage, IBS may close the job opening.
- If hired, the work level, annual salary, etc. will comply with IBS standards.
- Inquiries : Heesu Choi at CNCR
Tel : 042-350-8131 ; fax : 042-350-8130; email : hschoi1217@ibs.re.kr
원문 URL www.ibs.re.kr/prog/recruit/kor/sub04_01/view.do?pageIndex=1&searchCondition=&searchKeyword=&idx=370