Students are the heart and soul of GIST
This is to inform you the Nobel Laureate Special Seminar offered by dept. of Nanobio Materials and Electornics.
Prof. Peter Gruenberg, 2007 Nobel Laureate in Physics, will give a seminar like below.
- Title: From Spinwave to Giant Magnetoresistance(GMR) and Beyond
- Speaker: Prof. Peter Grüenberg(2007 Nobel Prize in Physics)
(Dept. of Nanobio Materials and Electronics, GIST/Peter Grüenberg Institute)
- Time: 17:30pm ~, 12th(Mon), March, 2012
- Place: Dasan #109(may change depending on the no. of attendees)
If you would like to attend the seminar, please confir your attendance to the DNE dept. staff via e-mail. it would be great help for preparing the event.
This will be a great opportunity to learn about not only his research filed but also his life as an excellent scientist.
If you need any further information about this event, please feel free to contact the DNE offcie via phone and e-mail.
(T. 3177 and