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[신소재공학부 / Seminar] 9.18.(Fri.) 13:00 / Prof.Lee, Jun Hee(UNIST)

  • 박현진
  • 등록일 : 2015.09.17
  • 조회수 : 2738

[School of Materials Science and Engineering / Seminar Announcement]


* Date & Time: 2015. 09. 18.(Fri.) 13:00~

* Lecture Room: APRI 1F, Auditorium Hall


* Title: Explosive phase transitions revealed by quantum materials genome study in this-film oxides

* Speaker: Prof. Lee, Jun Hee (Dept. of Energy & Chemical Engineering, UNIST)

* Host: Prof. Jo, Ji-Young


Contact No.

Tel. 062-715-2303

Email hj3019@gist.ac.kr

5168건 / 오늘 0
공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 첨부파일 정보제공
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