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[Mecha Seminar] 1:00PM, Dec. 1 (Tue), Rigidity-based formation control: some recent progresses and open problems

  • 정지현
  • 등록일 : 2015.11.26
  • 조회수 : 3182




Formation control involves the design of distributed controllers to achieve or maintain a desired geometric formation shape for autonomous multi-agent systems. In rigidity-based formation control, the target formation is described by a certain set of inter-agent distances, while the underlying graph modeling distance constraints is supposed to be rigid. This talk reviews some recent progresses in rigidity-based formation control problem. The main topics include equilibrium analysis, rigid formations with prescribed orientations, exponential convergence with generalized formation controllers, and formation robustness issues. At last, the talk also indicates some open problems in this field.  



Zhiyong Sun is a PhD student at the Australian National University, under the supervision of Prof. Brian D. O. Anderson. His current research interests include cooperative control of autonomous formations and multi-agent systems. He received the prestigious Australia Prime Minister’s Asia Incoming Endeavour Postgraduate Award in 2013. He is in the finalist of Best Student Paper in the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015). He was also a winner of Best Student Paper in the 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC 2015), and was a finalist of Best Student Paper in AUCC 2014.

5168건 / 오늘 0
공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 첨부파일 정보제공
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