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[Mecha Seminar] 4:00PM, Mar. 15 (Tue.), Research and development for surgical innovations in health care technology

  • 정지현
  • 등록일 : 2016.03.03
  • 조회수 : 2316



*Title: Research and development for surgical innovations in health care technology


The process of designing innovating medical devices is divided into three phases: identify, invent and implement. First, you identify an unmet medical need and its solution that is not only feasible but also commercially viable. Second, you develop a solution to this need through a group process and prototyping. Last, you transform an idea and a prototype to a real product which can be used to treat patients at the market.


Here we introduce our research project that has been developed through this innovating design process. We currently develop next generation surgical robotic technology to perform microsurgery that could never be done by the current technologies in the market. We believe that the innovation process helps to develop a research and implementation plan for a technology or an idea with a potential clinical application.

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