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[ME Seminar] 3:00 PM, 11.11. (Fri.), 2D atomic crystal based nanoelectronics from synthesis to device applications

  • 정지현
  • 등록일 : 2016.11.01
  • 조회수 : 2660


* Biography
Seunghyun Lee received his B.S. degree from the Seoul National University in Korea, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2013. He was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University before he came to Kyung Hee University as an assistant professor in March 2016.

His research focuses on novel nanoelectronics based on atomically thin 2D nanomaterials such as graphene and layered transition metal dichalcogenides(TMD). His research area includes material synthesis, contacts, interfaces, heterostructures, nonvolatile memories, flexible/transparent electronics, and nano-electro-mechanical relays. His research was published in renowned journals such as Nature Communications and was introduced in various media include Science journal and Nanotechweb. He is a recipient of the Gold Award from the Material Research Society (MRS 2012) and 1st place award in the Texas Instrument analog circuit design contest (2008).

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