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GIST College Students Win National Supercomputing Competition

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2014.10.28
  • HIT : 2472

Awarded Grand Prize (Minister’s Award) in Undergraduate Division


At 2014 Korea Supercomputing Conference Held October 6 – 7




A team of two GIST College students, Kim, Sang-hyeon, a sophomore, and Kim, Jin-woo, a freshman, won the Science, ICT, and Future Planning Minister’s Award in the 2014 Korea Supercomputing Conference held in The-K Seoul Hotel on October 6 – 7. They received a prize money of 1 million won along with an award certificate.


The ministerial award was the highest prize in the undergraduate division, where a total of 25 teams from Korea’s top universities and colleges competed against one another to solve a problem most accurately and in the shortest time using supercomputers.


In preparation for the competition, the GIST College students’ team received advice and guidance from SCENT, the Super Computing Center at GIST (Director: Professor Kim, Jong Won). SCENT is making contributions to building a joint utilization system for effectively securing and using high-performance computing resources in the Gwangju-Jeonnam region, as well as promoting R&D in supercomputing-related technologies through industrial-academic cooperation.


“If you are familiar with MPI parallel programming and have some knowledge of the hardware structure, you can solve the problem given at the competition without too much difficulty,” said Mr. Kim, Sang-hyeon, the senior of the two winning GIST College students. “We will transfer the knowhow we have accumulated to our juniors, so that GIST College may win again next year and on,” he added.