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Mentoring the next generation of ambitious scientists is the hallmark of GIST Professors

Department of Physics and Photon Science

Department of Physics and Photon Science

Department of Physics and Photon Science

  • Homepage : https://physeng.gist.ac.kr/
  • E-mail : phys@gist.ac.kr
  • Tel : 062)715-2226, 2223, 2225 / Fax : 062)715-2224

The Department of Physics and Photon Science provides graduate students with the best education and research opportunities in physics and photon science in Korea. Specifically, in partnerships with the Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI) and Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Research Center, home of one the highest-power table-top lasers in the world, students have diverse research opportunities in photon science.

Major Research Areas

  • Ultrafast optics and nonlinear optics
  • High power lasers and their applications
  • Attosecond science
  • Quantum integrated photonics
Plasma Physics
  • Intense laser and matter/plasma interactions
  • Particle acceleration and coherent radiations by laser-plasmas
  • High energy density physics
Condensed Matter Physics
  • X-ray studies of nano condensed matter physics
  • Optical spectroscopy for condensed matter physics
  • Surface science using X-rays
  • Computational quantum physics
Particle Physics
  • Field theory and string theory
  • Gauge/gravity duality
  • Gravitational understanding of strongly correlated systems
  • Quantum device physics