The mission of the school of Information and Communications is to educate highly trained researchers and to conduct leading-edge research and development in next-generation information and communication technologies to foster the realization of a knowledge-based information society. The focus of this School is based on ultrahigh speed information and communication technologies, academic research for core foundation technologies, and interdisciplinary integrated research to develop applications for these technologies. Research is conducted in groups to promote efficiency and provide a competitive edge.
Major Research Areas
Al and Robotics
Machine Learning and Vision
Big Data and Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Data Analytics
Data Science
Biomedical Informatics
Data Mining & Computational Biology
Bioinformatics and Intelligence
Circuits and Systems
High Speed Integrated Circuit
Semiconductor Device Simulation
Analog And Mixed-signal Integrated Circuit Design
Integrated Circuits and Systems
IoT and Cybersecurity
Communications and Sensor Networks
Communication & Information Science
INFOrmation processing, controlling and NETwork(INFONET)
Energy Systems and Sensors
Microwave Sensing & Imaging
Microwave-optoelectronic Integrated Devices and System