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GIST College Senior Featured in Caltech News Story

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2014.11.07
  • HIT : 3807

Donghun Ryu, a GIST College senior concentrating in electrical engineering and computer science, was recently featured in a news story posted on the homepage of Caltech, titled “Improving the View through Tissues and Organs.”


Mr. Ryu first participated in Caltech’s SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) program in 2013 as a GIST-Caltech exchange student. After successfully completing his SURF in the lab of Changhuei Yang, professor of electrical engineering, bioengineering, and medical engineering, Mr. Ryu extended his stay at Caltech for a semester as a visiting student researcher at the recommendation of Professor Yang.



                                     Mr. Donghun Ryu (left) and Professor Changhuei Yang (right)


Mr. Ryu then did his second SURF in 2014 in the lab of Viviana Gradinaru, assistant professor of biology, whose group recently developed a new tissue clearing technique that allows viewing straight through normally opaque tissues. Mr. Ryu investigated a technique called Talbot microscopy with both professors, working on the optical system in Professor Yang’s lab while testing the samples cleared in Professor Gradinaru’s lab.


“During my SURF this year, I attended both lab meetings every week, presenting on the progress of my research and receiving guidance and feedback. It was a wonderful and rewarding experience. I was also able to mingle with and learn from researchers and students with diverse backgrounds,” said Mr. Ryu.