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School of Mechatronics Alumnus Dr. Junghwan Kook Appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Denmark

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2015.05.18
  • HIT : 1504

School of Mechatronics Alumnus Dr. Junghwan Kook Appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Denmark


Dr. Junghwan Kook (36) who received a Ph.D. from GIST’s School of Mechatronics from the Intelligent System Design Lab has been appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Denmark.

After graduating as an undergraduate in Mechanical Systems Engineering from Chonnam National University, he joined the Intelligent System Design Lab at GIST and researched the topology optimization of noise and vibration for his master’s degree and doctorate degree (August 2012).

During his doctorate studies at GIST, he participated in a joint research project on Acoustic Topology Optimization that was supported by the GIST DASAN Project and the Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. He also published 4 SCI-level research papers, including a paper in the top computer aided design journal: Computer Methods in applied Mechanics and Engineering.

After receiving his doctorate degree, Dr. Kook went to the Technical University of Denmark and worked as a postdoctoral researcher. He even received a postdoctoral grant of 400,000 dollars from the Danish Research Council for research on designing band gap material in conjunction with structural-acoustic coupling. Related research paper were also selected as an inviting paper by the International Conference on Phononics 2015.

Dr. Junghwan Kook said, “Thanks to the GIST’s excellent professors and research support, I have built my research experience. I will continue with higher level of research, and I hope to raise my alma mater"s stature.” He also said, “I want to encourage my junior colleagues not to give up because of prejudice or limitations but to keep striving forward with their hopes and dreams."