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DUO-Korea Fellowship Programme

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2019.04.08
  • HIT : 1065

DUO-Korea Fellowship Programme was established in 2001 with the aim of promoting exchanges of people between Korea and 30 European countries on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Korea requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project.

DUO-Korea 2019 is for exchange projects, which will start from August 2019 and end before September 2020 to avoid duplication of implementation period of exchange projects selected by DUO-Korea in the ensuing years.

The selection of DUO-Korea 2019 is made ONLY once a year. In this respect, those who are planning to exchange in Spring Semester of 2020(January-August 2020) shall apply for DUO-Korea 2019.

Applications will be accepted from April 1(Mon) to May 10(Fri), 2019 local Korean time. Applications sent or posted after May 10 will not be accepted.

Contact info: 02-720-6712 (FAX : 02-720-6715)

E-mail: admin2@asemduo.org