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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST


Commencement Ceremony

  • 조용운
  • REG_DATE : 2008.01.29
  • HIT : 2887

We inform "Commencement Ceremony of the academic year 2007"

In this ceremony, we will offer a Simultaneous Interpretation Service for international students. so please, participate hard.

*Commencement Ceremony

  - Date : 14:00 February, 13(Wed.), 2008

  - Place : Auditorium in Oryong Hall

  - Candidates must report to the place by 13:30 
     The processional will begin promptly at 14:00

*Simultaneous Interpretation Service

  - Rental Date : from 13:30 Feb. 13th, 2008

  - Rental Place : at the entrance of ceremony hall

  - You can lend an interpretation equipment without charge.
     For a lending, you have to show and give your ID card.
     All rentals must be returned immediately after the ceremony.
     (you can take your ID card back after the ceremony)