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President of Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2008.04.04
  • HIT : 2308

President of Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), a leading research
-oriented graduate school established by the Korean government in 1993, is seeking an ideal candidate to fill the position of school president, one who will provide effective academic leadership with a sense of vision.   

The candidate should possess excellent academic administrative experience, strong leadership qualities, and interpersonal skills.

The president will be responsiblefor 1) providing oversight leadership in strategic planning, 2) presenting and implementing long-range plans, 3) securing administrative and fiscal provisions to ensure the continued excellence of education and research programs, 4) promoting the school"sinteractions locally, nationally and internationally, and 5) advancing technology transfer and other intellectual properties developed in the school.

* Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stated in the Article 19 of the GIST Charter. 

Qualified candidates should submit

1) application form (from website)

2) detailed resume including administrative and management career

3) strategic management plan for GIST with a long-range vision.

4) resident registration form (Korean citizens only)

5) permission to release personal records (Korean citizens only, prescribed form)  

Prescribed forms are available from the GIST Notice on the GIST website.


The documents should be sent to the Office of the Board of Trustees (c/o Planning Team) via e-mail (usmin@gist.ac.kr) or mail (500-712) 261, Chumdangwagiro (oryong-dong), Bukgu, Gwangju,by April 24, 2008. 

 For further information, please visit the GIST website at www.gist.ac.kr
 All inquiries should be addressed to (usmin@gist.ac.kr).


Chairman of the GIST Board of Trustees