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Research Professor Positions Open (CHOAN/CDSN)

  • 최영
  • REG_DATE : 2008.11.11
  • HIT : 4004

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST):

Dept. of Information and Communications, Center for Hybrid Optical Access Network (CHOAN), and Center for Distributed Sensor Networks (CDSN):


Applications are invited for 2 research professor positions in ITRC-CHOAN and CDSN. The budget for the research professor is supported by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, Korea. The CHOAN (Information and Telecommunication Research Center supported by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy) and the CDSN (Research Center supported by the Ministry o f Education, Science, and Technology) have been carrying out joint research program on wireless and optical communications and wireless sensor networks areas. Research professors will carry out their research in ITRC-CHOAN, CDSN, and other research centers in GIST and may have a chance to teach one graduate course per a semester in the Dept. of Information and Communications.


The areas include brain machine interface, microwave photonics (device, circuit, and system), and wireless sensor networks. Other areas (all aspects including device, integrated circuits, network, and system) related to optical and wireless communications and sensor networks are included as well.


Required Qualifications: Ph. D. degree is required. Foreigners are welcome.
Gross Annual Income: 35,000,000 – 65,000,000 Korean Won (depending upon their carrier and accomplishment)

Misc.: GIST is an institution that has a military service exemption program. One position is available for exemption of the military service in Korea.


Please send applications (forms given upon request) to CHOAN, Kumho hall 307, GIST, 1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea 500-712 by mail, fax: +82-62-970-3084, or E-mail: pridey@gist.ac.kr. The applications will be reviewed and results are notified in first-come first-served basis until the 2 positions are filled.


For more information, please visit http://www.gist.ac.kr

or contact
Mrs. Young Choi
Center for Hybrid Optical Access Network

Kumho hall 307, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST),
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea 500-712
tel: +82-62-970-3083
fax: +82-62-970-3084
e-mail: pridey@gist.ac.kr