<STRONG>May 26 (Tuesday)</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><FONT color=#808080>&nbsp;Event Title : Special Cultural Lecture<BR>- When :&nbsp;4:00pm, May 26 (Tue), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Ro" /> Notice< Notice <Media Center
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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST


This week"s events, May 25(Mon), 2009

  • 이규대
  • REG_DATE : 2009.05.26
  • HIT : 2091

<P><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #000080"><STRONG>May 26 (Tuesday)</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>


<P><FONT color=#808080>&nbsp;Event Title : Special Cultural Lecture<BR>- When :&nbsp;4:00pm, May 26 (Tue), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Room No. 303, Oryong Hall 3rd floor<BR>- Title :&nbsp;Story of&nbsp;Journey and Fine Art<BR>- Speaker :&nbsp;Artist Byung-Jong Lee (College of Fine Arts,&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; Seoul National Univ.)<BR>- Language : Korean<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Section of Academic &amp; Student Affairs (Ext. 2048)</FONT></P>

<P><FONT color=#808080></FONT>&nbsp;</P>

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<P><FONT color=#808080><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #000080"><STRONG>May 27 (Wednesday)</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></FONT></P>

<P><STRONG><FONT color=#808080></FONT></STRONG>&nbsp;</P>

<P><FONT color=#808080>- Event Title :&nbsp;Department Seminar<BR>- When :&nbsp;2:30pm, May 27 (Wed), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Room No. 228, Mechatronics Bldg. 2nd floor<BR>- Title :&nbsp;Applications of machine learning techniques in&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Bioinformatics :&nbsp;Specific tosubcellular localization prediction<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;of protein<BR>- Speaker :&nbsp;Prof. Abdul Majid (PIEAS)<BR>- Language : English<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Dept. office of Mechatronics (Ext. 2383)</FONT></P>

<P><FONT color=#808080></FONT>&nbsp;</P>

<P><FONT color=#808080><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #000080"><STRONG>May 28 (Thursday)</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></FONT></P>

<P><STRONG><FONT color=#808080></FONT></STRONG>&nbsp;</P>

<P><FONT color=#808080>-Event Title :&nbsp;Plate hanging ceremomy of the dept. of&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; Nanobio&nbsp;Materials&nbsp;and Electronics<BR>- When :&nbsp;11:00am, May 28 (Thur), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Entrance,&nbsp;Materials Science &amp; Engineering Bldg.<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Dept. office of&nbsp;Nanobio Materials and Electronics<BR>&nbsp; (Ext. 3176)</FONT></P>

<P><FONT color=#808080></FONT>&nbsp;</P>

<P><FONT color=#808080>- Event Title :&nbsp;Department Seminar<BR>- When :&nbsp;4:00pm, May 28 (Thur), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Room No. 210, Environmental Sci. &amp; Engg. Bldg.&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; 2nd floor<BR>- Title :&nbsp;Recent R&amp;D trends on solar cells<BR>- Speaker :&nbsp;Dr. Moon-Sung Kang (Samsung SDI Co., LTD.)<BR>- Language : undecided<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Dept. office of Environmental&nbsp;Science &amp; Engineering&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; (Ext. 2432)</FONT><BR></P>


<P><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #191970"><STRONG>May 29 (Friday)</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>


<P><FONT color=#808080>- Event Title :&nbsp;Colloquium<BR>- When :&nbsp;1:00pm, May 29 (Fri), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Room No. 228, Mechatronics Bldg. 2nd floor<BR>- Title :&nbsp;Cells in the eyes of a mechanical engineer<BR>- Speaker :&nbsp;Prof. HyunJong Shin (Dept. of Mechanical&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; Engineering, KAIST)<BR>- Language : English<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Dept. office of Mechatronics (Ext. 3245)</FONT><BR></P>