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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST


Department Seminar

  • 이규대
  • REG_DATE : 2009.05.11
  • HIT : 2105

<FONT face=Verdana color=#808080>- When :&nbsp;11:00am, May 15 (Fri), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;undecided<BR>- Title : Elucidating the bioactive cross-talk between cells&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; and biomaterials:&nbsp;Harnessing cues for regulation of applications&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; in&nbsp;regenerative medicine<BR>- Speaker : Dr. Hak-Joon Sung (Rutgers Univ.)<BR>- Language : English<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Dept. office of Materials Sci. &amp; Engg. (Ext. 2303)</FONT><BR>