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Online Training Sessions on Web of Science/EndNote

  • 오승희
  • REG_DATE : 2010.02.18
  • HIT : 2376

Thomson Reuters will offer online training sessions on WOS/EndNote as follows;

If you are interested, please check out the attached file registerration and be sure to sign up for sessions in advance.


* They also provide sessions on EndNote(CD version) but GIST does not subscribe to it.  




Web of Science : 알고있는(찾은논문)관련있는인접논문찾아보기

Date : March 31(Wed)

Time : 16:00



<Session in Chinese>

Web of Science-How to find a good research topic?

Date  : March 10, 10,2010

Time : 15:00

Register URL: https://thomsonscientific.webex.com/thomsonscientific-sc/k2/j.php?ED=132508767&UID=137035312&RT=NiM0NQ%3D%3D&FM=1  (after registering in this URL, students can join training on March 10th, 15:00)