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[LEC] 'A Naming Contest' for the new Language Exchange Program

  • 정명하
  • REG_DATE : 2020.08.07
  • HIT : 661

[Language Education Center]

2020 Naming Contest

A name for the new Language Exchange Program

- A Korean or English name for the new language exchange program

- All GIST members can participate

- Deadline: August 25th, 2020 (Tue)

- Please send application * by email to flora7027@gist.ac.kr

  * Application download: please find the attachment or go to https://language.gist.ac.kr/

- Winner: culture certificate 10만원

   2nd place: culture certificate 5만원

   3rd place(x2): culture certificate each 3만원

   participant's prize: Starbucks gificon

- Announcement: September 1st (Tue)


Note: The prize can be withdrawn if the entry violates copyright.