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the 1st Regular General Meeting of the GIST Alumni Association: the Night of Appreciation for the Alumni

  • 박형준
  • REG_DATE : 2013.10.31
  • HIT : 1791


the 1st Regular General Meeting of the GIST Alumni Association: the Night of Appreciation for the Alumni  


Autumn is all around. Green mountains and fields turned red and yellow, sporting beautiful autumn foliage.

It’s been a year since we gathered with such passion to kick off the GIST Alumni Association at the inaugural meeting in 2012. This year, GIST came of age and is happy to celebrate the 20th anniversary.

There is a saying “Now or Never.”
When could we ever come back to GIST to see our proud school in full-fledged growth at 20 years of age, if we don’t do it now?
When could we ever reunite with dear friends, senior alumni and juniors at GIST campus, if we don’t do it now?


November 16 is the day for alumni reunion! Come and join us in the 1st regular general meeting of the GIST alumni association. Offer your heartfelt congratulations to GIST on its coming of age and give a big hug to your long lost friends. It will be a great opportunity for all GIST family members to have fun together.


We will be looking forward to meeting you soon!



Chairman of the GIST Alumni Association

Joo Il-taek


Shuttle bus
November 16, 2013 (Sat.)

#1 shuttle

[Seoul] departure from Seoul Station at 8:50 / Yanjae Station at 9:30

[Suwon] departure from Suwon Express Bus Terminal at 10:30

#2 shuttle

[Daejeon] departure from the government complex at 10:55/ Yusung Kumho Terminal at 11:25


GIST will provide free lodging to alumni on Nov. 16th. Please make sure to make a reservation in advance. (first come first served: 30 people)



■ On November 16, “GIST Music Concert” will take place on the campus to celebrate the 20th anniversary of GIST. We would like to invite all alumni to this wonderful music show to be unfolded on the beautiful campus and ask for your ardent interest and participation. After the concert, please do not forget to join the regular general meeting of the GIST Alumni Association!

- performers’ list: A-Pink, Brown-eyed Girls, Block B, B-boys, guitar band, etc.

■ Your alumni membership fee will be a valuable contribution to the operation of the GIST Alumni Association.
▪ alumni membership fee

- masters’ & doctoral graduates : 30,000 won,

GIST masters’ graduates enrolled in doctoral programs : 10,000 won

▪ payment method: on-site cash payment at the regular general meeting or bank transfer (Woori Bank 1005-502-176489)

Sign up at the homepage of the GIST Alumni Association and gain access to various information on the Alumni Association, including ‘alumni search’ service  
Homepage of the GIST Alumni Association 
http://alumni.gist.ac.kr (web)/ http://alumni.gist.ac.kr/mobile (mobile)

■ Contact for more information
▪Chairman of the GIST Alumni Association: Mr. Joo Il-taek (
jooit@naver.com, 010-3412-1212)
▪Secretariat of the GIST Alumni Association/Section of Public Relations and Funding

Kang Ho-jong(hojongk@gist.ac.kr, 062-715-2023)
Park Hyung-joon(parkhyungjun@gist.ac.kr, 062-715-2022)