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Dormitory Schedules and the Mandatory COVID-19 PCR Testing

  • Kyung-Sook Min
  • REG_DATE : 2021.02.18
  • HIT : 1444

 < Effective as of Feb. 9, 2021 , Last updated on February 17, 2021>


1. Scheduled Dates for Moving in and Moving out of the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Housing

. Undergraduate Student Housing   

1) Moving out for graduating students

) Students proceeding to their GIST graduate school program: Sunday, Feb. 21 – Wednesday, Feb. 24.

) Other graduating students: Must move out of their quarters by Sunday, Feb. 21.

2) Moving in for incoming first-year students and moving in again for continuing students: Due to the rapid increase of COVID cases in the Gwangju area, moving in to the dormitory is on hold. Further information on the dates for moving in and the procedure is scheduled to be announced 3 weeks before the spring semester midterm exams.

※ Undergraduate courses for the 2021 spring semester: All classes are to be held online until further notice.

※ There will be additional notifications if there are any changes to the criteria for dormitory occupancy regarding continuing students.

. Graduate Student Housing

1) Graduating students: Must move out of their quarters by Friday, Feb. 19. This deadline can be extended to Saturday, Feb. 20 for those with valid reasons.

2) Incoming first-year students: May move in to their quarters starting on Wednesday, Feb. 24.

※ Remaining students who are going on to their graduate school program must move out between Sunday, Feb 21 and Wednesday, Feb. 24. They may immediately move in to the graduate school dormitory.

2. Mandatory PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Testing

. Those that require PCR testing.

1) All new occupants (including returning students who previously lived outside of the campus)

※ PCR testing is not required for occupants of the university quarters switching over to the graduate school quarters.

2) Current dormitory occupants: Applicable to all who have traveled outside of the Gwangju-Jeonnam areas.

. Application date: Effective as of Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 until notified otherwise.

. Procedure: New occupants (including returning occupants) must be tested within 72 hours before moving into their quarters and submit their PCR results to the dormitory office upon check-in. Current occupants must submit the PCR test results within 48 hours from their return to the dormitory management office.


3. The Procedure for Moving In

. New occupants (including returning occupants who have previously lived outside of the institute)

1) Obligations

) Undergraduate students: Self-quarantine for 7 days (fill out a heath report form) Submit your health report and PCR test results (negative test results that has been tested within 72 hours prior to check-in) when you move in to your quarters 7-day quarantine at building T of the university dormitory.

※ The date for moving in regarding new and continuing undergraduate students is stated under item #1.

) Graduate school students: Self-quarantine for 7 days (see notices on university webpage, complete the health questionnaire) Submit your health questionnaire and PCR results (negative test results that has been tested within 72 hours prior to check-in) upon moving in Active monitoring for 2 weeks at the dormitory.

※ As for (married student apartment) new student and family members, all need to submit the PCR test results when checking in.

※ Authorized occupants for graduate school dormitory should check in at the dormitory office on the first floor of the dormitory (building number W4). To avoid any omission in the check in process, please understand that your assigned room number is not available before you check in.

2) Consequences of violation: Occupancy denied.

. Current occupants

1) Obligation: Must notify the dormitory management office in advance of your travel (official or personal) outside of the Gwangju-Jeonnam areas and submit your PCR testing results within 48 hours of return.

2) Consequences of violation: Banned from dormitory for 6 months

※ Keep official travel to a minimum; those who have valid reasons, such as no personal activities, can be excluded from submitting PCR test results under the supervision of the faculty advisor. See university website for necessary forms(Form A and Form B).


4. Partial Reimbursement of PCR Testing Fees

. Principle: Up to 80,000 won may be refunded per applicant only once

※ Consider free testing if the social distancing level is level 2 or higher, as there will be much more testing provided by the local authorities. For paid testing, for reasons such as social distancing level below level 2, those who meet the following criteria will be refunded.

. Applicable to:

1) New occupants

) New first-year students (Occupants making the transition to their graduate school program are excluded.)  

) Enrolled undergraduate students who had moved out and are moving back in

※ Graduate school occupants who have moved out, at their own will, must submit their PCR test results but are not eligible for a refund.

※ As for (married student apartment) new student and family members, all need to submit the PCR test results when checking in. Only a new student will be eligible for a refund (up to 80,000 won) though. Once the family members and the new student are settled in the married student apartment, the requirements of PCR test results for travelers will not be applicable for the residents of married student apartments.


2) Current occupants: Those on official trip outside of Gwangju or Jeonnam areas.

※ Those on official travel who have valid reasons are eligible for a refund (up to 80,000 won) of test costs and may be exempted from submitting the PCR test results by replacing the test results with Form B (Travelled Path).

. Refund Procedure:

1) Submit to the dormitory office your PCR test results along with your receipt and Refund Request (Form A). This should include your reasons for the paid testing and banking information as proof. ※ Refer to the GIST homepage for Form A that will be uploaded no later than the end of February.

2) Refund (up to 80,000 won) to be made within 3 months from the request date.


5. For Reference

. Operation Status of Temporary Clinics as of Feb. 8, 2021

1) Operation Status of Temporary Clinics in the Seoul Metropolitan Area

2) Operation Status of Temporary Clinics in Gwangju Metropolitan City


※ Check the websites of local authorities for related information and availability of free testing.

. Contacts: 062-715-xxxx

1) Student Services Section

a) University Dormitory 3603

b) Graduate School Dormitory 3602

2) Dormitory Management Office

a) University Dormitory 5800

b) Graduate School Dormitory 2800

c) Apartments for Married Couples 2700


Form A(Refund Request) and Form B(Travelers’ Travelled Path) available at 


Please be informed that the PCR instructions are applicable only to the residents of the student dormitories and married student apartments. It is because the aforementioned buildings are very compact and could easily be exposed to mutual infection.


Dean of Academic Affairs