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Announcement on Fall 2014 Special Lecture Series

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2014.09.02
  • HIT : 1557

The Special Lecture Series for Fall Semester 2014 kicks off on Tuesday, September 16. For a complete list of the seven lecturers and lecture topics, please see the attached file. All the lectures will be delivered at 4:00 pm on Tuesday in room #303, Oryong Hall.


These lectures are offered as the Special Cultural Lecture course. To receive a master’s degree from GIST Graduate School, a student must take the Special Cultural Lecture course and get a grade of S (satisfactory) for two semesters. For a doctoral degree, the requirement is for one semester. Doctoral students who earned their master’s degree at GIST are exempted from the requirement. The course is offered every semester, and a student may take it any time before graduation.


International students taking the course this semester must attend both of the two English lectures—Lecture No. 5 on November 4 and Lecture No. 7 on December 9—as the attendance requirement for an S grade is two thirds. Please also be punctual since attendance willl be taken strictly and more than 10 minutes tardy is considered absent. In short, an international student must attend both English lectures on time in order to get a passing grade. Please be advised and plan ahead accordingly.