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Announcement on Additional Allotment of GIST Happy Farm

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2015.03.12
  • HIT : 1313

*Location:  Next to the playground of the new Faculty Apartments (behind Library Building B)


*Eligibility:  All GIST community members (faculty, researchers, staff & students; NO outsiders)


*Allotment Period:  March 2015 – December 2015 (renewable thereafter)


*Allotment Details

- A total of 12 lots (approx. 20 square meters per lot; 1 lot per person) will be allotted.

- To apply, fill out the attached form and email to Mr. Jeon, Yeong Rok (kjr1388@gist.ac.kr).

             - Application deadline is Sunday, March 15.

             - A lottery will be held on March 17 to select the winners and the lots.


*Happy Farm Policies

             - Please be considerate to fellow Happy Farmers and their farming needs.

             - Materials for farming (seeds, fertilizers etc.) should be individually procured.

             - Organic, pesticide-free farming should be practiced as much as possible.

             - Lots will be reclaimed if not tilled for 6 months.

             - Basic common-use farming tools and individual lockers and lot tags are provided.