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Notice to Residents of Dormitory Building 7

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2015.05.26
  • HIT : 1371

Section of Academic & Student Affairs:
Notice to Residents of Dormitory Building 7

Building 7 of the Graduate School Dormitory is scheduled for remodeling. The remodeling is expected to start during summer session (late June, 2015) and is expected to finish before winter session (mid-December, 2015). Students and researchers residing in Building 7 will need to move to available rooms in Buildings 1-6 and 8. Please consult with dormitory managers as individuals or move to assigned rooms at GIST College Dormitory as a group. Moving services will be available for the latter. You will be notified as soon as the schedule is confirmed. We ask for your understanding in having to move again while studying at GIST.