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[IERI] International Forum On Climate Adaptation (IFOCA) 2023 (Abstract submission: ~9/30)

  • 박진희
  • REG_DATE : 2023.09.05
  • HIT : 228

International Forum On Climate Adaptation (IFOCA) 2023 


We are pleased to introduce the International Forum On Climate Adaptation (IFOCA) 2023.  


Since 2003, our institute has been hosting an annual international event aimed at collaborative research and information exchange concerning global environmental issues and the impacts of climate change. 

This event has enabled productive interactions among government officials, scholars, and researchers from around the world.  


We are delighted to announce the forthcoming IFOCA 2023, scheduled for October in Bangkok, Thailand

The event is themed "Advancing Climate Technologies for Carbon-Neutral Society amidst the Climate Crisis through Collaboration."   

For further details, kindly refer to the attached documents or visit our website: https://ieri.gist.ac.kr/ierieng/  


Thank you for your attention and participation.  


 Theme : Advancing Climate Technologies for Carbon-Neutral Society amidst the Climate Crisis through Collaboration 

 Date : 23-25 October 2023 

 Location : Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit, Thailand 


- International Environmental Research Institute (IERI), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Republic of Korea 

- Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn Univesrity (ERIC), Thailand 

 Registration : https://forms.gle/pju6CwVz2WAq8Ymm6 (deadline: 30 September 2023) 

 Abstract Form : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NrG_7GBUAvV1ieJioJBvIEoND39bs3nn/view?usp=drive_link (Deadline: 30 September 2023, Submit to iercgist@gmail.com)